Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Time!

I am in love with this holiday!!! It is not because of the gifts, but that is a good part of it too. I love how Christmas time makes people take a time-out from their regular routine and makes them closer with families and friends. Additionally, there is a unique and lovely atmosphere that recalls my childhood. It is almost as people really still believe in Santa so they are on their best behavior at all times. Beautifully decorated Christmas trees are happy songs are everywhere. Complete strangers are also extra polite because they leave each other with a "Happy Holidays" or "Merry Christmas" and with smiling faces- It is just really nice to see.


Doing my research paper on digital technology, I noticed that often easy access to the Internet, anonymity, and the wide range of social interaction websites cause huge disruption to people relationships. I read a lot of articles that took up an issue of breaking marriages because of internet activities. Many married individuals, who are involved in online infidelity, try to meet needs that are not being met within their marriages. In addition, they are drawn away from their everyday lives and focused on imaginary world. The cyber unfaithfulness is a form of emotional infidelity that lets users be more expressive but not necessarily honest. Psychologist claim that the Internet is
“The biggest threat marriage has ever faced. Characterized by deep emotional closeness, the secret, sexually charged (but unconsummated) friendships at issue build almost imperceptibly until they surpass in importance the relationship with a spouse. Emotional involvement outside of marriage has always been intoxicating, as fictional heroines such as Anna Karenina and Emma Bovary attest. But in the age of the Internet … these relationships have become far more accessible than ever before"
Thus, my married friends think twice before you join a chat room.

I still have to work

Today digital technology is everywhere and it has influenced almost every aspect of our lives. But, to be honest with you I linger beyond advanced computer technology because I just have learned basic computer skills such as emailing, surfing web sites, and operating Microsoft Office Word. I realize that I have to take computer classes to be more literate in computer. Thus, next semester I am going to take an Office Excel course. I really must master my digital skills to get well-paying job and feel confident in future.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Book World

For this semester I have been reading books, Literate Lives in the Information Age written by Cynthia L. Selfe and Gail E. Hawisher as requirement for English class, and Major Problem in American History for History class. I think that both books are a reliable source of knowledge on American society. Additionally, I read Listen to music for music class and Psychology. I really enjoy reading all of them. In addition, I have been reading The Jerusalem Diamond written by Noah Gordon. This book describes a story of beautiful and precious diamond and the people whose lives it affected.
If you ask me what I feel about reading, my response is that “reading is something valuable and exciting.” Reading allows me to dislocate in time and space. Moreover, I can identify myself with a book characters and in some way experience their emotions. Reading has also the ability to enrich and develop my imaginationJ.
There are books that I recommend
No.1 Leo Tolstoy: Anna Karenina
No.2 Carlos Ruiz Zafon: The Shadow of the Wind
No.3 Collen Mc Cullough: The Thorn Birds
No.4 Ken Kesey: One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
No.5 Ryszard Kapuscinski: Travels with Herodotus

Sunday, September 30, 2007

My passion

Do you enjoy cooking? Can you cook?
I just love to prepare meals because I am a food freak :) For me, cooking is a way to relax and to get into the world of ingredients that are always fresh and diverse. I admire aromatic basil, heavy garlic, crisp carrots, juicy fish, and fragrant mushrooms.
I started my journey with cooking 15 years ago when I learned a few kitchen basics from my mother. She showed me how to make broth, handmade pasta, how to cook stew and fry chops. Four years later I earned associate degree in Nutrition. School made me literate in cooking because it opened my mind on various aspects of nourishment. I learn how to recognize fresh ingredients, how to storage them, how to process them, and make delicious and healthy meals. Today, I cannot live without cooking and I still look forward to finding new recipes :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Autum 2007

Welcome :))
This blog is one that I've created to get a good grade in English and to communicate with people from my class ENG 101:)